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Headcount Benchmarking: A Detailed Guide to the Information Technology (IT) Function

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July 2, 2024
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With major technological improvements in recent years, the Information Technology (IT) function has become more important than ever before. IT departments are not only responsible for maintaining the infrastructure that supports daily operations, but also for driving innovation and competitive advantage using the latest technology.

So, how many people do you need in the IT function? This is where headcount benchmarking comes into play. Headcount benchmarking provides a clear picture of how staffing levels and resource allocation in IT measure up against industry standards and best practices.

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By leveraging this data, organizations can identify areas for improvement, justify staffing decisions, and enhance overall productivity. This guide will look at the following areas:

  • What is Headcount Benchmarking?
  • What is the Information Technology (IT) Function?
  • 8 Steps to Benchmark the Information Technology (IT) Function
  • 6 Reasons Why You Should Benchmark the Information Technology (IT) Function
  • Conclusion

What is Headcount Benchmarking?

Headcount benchmarking is the process of comparing the number of employees in specific roles or departments within an organization to those in similar roles or departments in other organizations. This comparison can be made against industry averages, best practices, or direct competitors. By doing this, you can identify opportunities to optimize staffing levels, ensuring that an organization is neither overstaffed nor understaffed.

Benchmarking typically involves gathering data on various metrics, such as the ratio of IT staff to total employees, the distribution of IT roles, and the efficiency of IT operations. By analyzing this data, organizations can make informed decisions about hiring, training, and resource allocation.

Find company-specific IT benchmarks here

What is the Information Technology (IT) Function?

The IT function involves the management of all technology-centric activities in the business. This usually includes:

  1. Infrastructure Management: Maintaining hardware, software, networks, and data centers.
  2. Technical Support: Providing help desk services and resolving technical issues for employees.
  3. Application Development and Management: Creating, deploying, and maintaining software applications that meet business needs.
  4. Cybersecurity: Protecting the organization’s data and systems from cyber threats (an increasingly important part of any IT team).
  5. Data Management: Handling data storage, backup, and recovery.
  6. Project Management: Leading technology projects to improve processes and implement new systems.
  7. Innovation and Strategy: Identifying and integrating new technologies to drive business growth and efficiency, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It’s important to note that the IT function will vary by industry and scale of the business. For example, a small accountancy firm might have one IT person who manages everything. Meanwhile, a mid-sized software company may have hundreds of employees in the IT function, split by many more sub-functions than those listed above.

When it comes to benchmarking the IT function, you should make sure that you use data from a relevant industry and filter it to reflect the size of your company. With over 250,000 data points, you can always find relevant benchmarks for any IT function in our benchmarking database - Search here.

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8 Steps to Benchmark the Information Technology (IT) Function

Benchmarking the IT function involves a systematic approach to ensure accurate and actionable insights. Here are the eight key steps:

1. Define the Objectives

The first step in any benchmarking project is to define clear objectives. What specific outcomes are you looking to achieve? Are you trying to reduce costs, improve efficiency, or justify current staffing levels? Having well-defined goals will guide the entire benchmarking process and help focus efforts on the most relevant areas.

2. Select Benchmarking Metrics

Identify the key metrics you will use to compare your IT function against others. Common metrics include:

  • IT Staff as % of Total Employees: The number of IT staff members compared to the total number of employees.
  • Cost per IT Staff Member: The total cost associated with each IT staff member, including salary, benefits, and overhead.
  • IT Budget as a Percentage of Revenue: The portion of the organization’s revenue allocated to IT.
  • Service Desk Performance: Metrics such as average resolution time, customer satisfaction scores, and the number of tickets handled per technician.
  • Project Success Rate: The percentage of IT projects completed on time, within budget, and meeting their objectives.

3. Collect Data

Gather data from both internal sources and external benchmarks. Internal data includes staffing levels, budgets, and performance metrics from your own IT department. It’s likely that you will need your HR and Finance teams to provide you with some of the information to prepare the metrics listed above.

When you have the internal data and metrics prepared, then you can obtain external data from a range of sources. These typically include industry reports, benchmarking data providers such as CompanySights, or manually searching for information on peer organizations. It’s important to ensure that the data is accurate, up-to-date, and comparable.

4. Analyze Data

Compare your internal data with the external benchmarks. Identify areas where your IT function is performing well and areas where there are discrepancies. Look for patterns and trends that could indicate underlying issues or opportunities for improvement.

5. Identify Best Practices

Research best practices from organizations that excel in areas where you are lacking. This could involve process improvements, new technologies, or changes in organizational structure. These best practices will provide you with targets for your roadmap to improve the IT function and achieve your benchmarking objectives.

6. Develop Action Plan/s

Based on your analysis and best practice research, develop action plans to address the identified gaps. These plans should include specific initiatives, timelines, and responsible parties. Ensure that the plans are realistic and aligned with your overall business strategy.

7. Implement Changes

Execute the action plans, making the necessary changes to your IT function. This could involve hiring additional staff, investing in new technologies, or restructuring some teams (most probably including the IT function). Monitor the implementation process closely to ensure that it stays on track and achieves the desired outcomes.

8. Monitor and Review

Benchmarking is an iterative process. It’s important to monitor the performance of your IT function against benchmarks and review the effectiveness of the changes you have implemented. We typically recommend that you perform this process every year, but you should adjust timing to suit your business requirements.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Benchmark the Information Technology (IT) Function

The IT function is an enabler of success for any business. Therefore, benchmarking this function offers several significant benefits, as follows:

1. Identify Efficiency Gaps

By comparing your IT function to industry standards, you can pinpoint areas where you may be overstaffed or understaffed. This allows you to reallocate resources more effectively and ensure that your IT team is operating at optimal efficiency.

2. Justify Staffing Levels

Benchmarking provides concrete data to support staffing decisions. Whether you need to justify current staffing levels to senior management or make a case for additional hires, benchmarking data offers the evidence you need to back up your claims.

3. Improve Performance

Identifying best practices and areas for improvement helps you enhance the overall performance of your IT function. This can lead to faster response times, higher customer satisfaction, and more successful project outcomes.

4. Cost Management

Understanding how your IT staffing and spending compare to others in the industry helps you manage costs more effectively. You can identify areas where you may be overspending and implement cost-saving measures without compromising quality.

5. Strategic Planning

Benchmarking provides valuable insights that inform strategic planning. By understanding how your IT function stacks up against competitors and industry leaders, you can make more informed decisions about future investments and initiatives.

6. Adapt to Changes

The IT landscape is constantly evolving. Regular benchmarking helps you stay current with industry trends and adapt to changes more effectively. This ensures that your IT function remains competitive and aligned with the latest technological advancements.

IT benchmarks at your fingertips - Search here


Headcount benchmarking is a powerful tool for optimizing the performance and efficiency of the IT function. By comparing your IT staffing levels and practices against industry standards using trusted data, you can identify gaps, justify staffing decisions, and implement best practices that drive improvement. In an era where technology is integral to business success, ensuring that your IT function is operating at peak performance is more important than ever.

Joel Lister-Barker
Client Services

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